First Day of Radiation


It was with a certain about of nervousness that I have been anticipating this day. 

Part of the requirements for doing this treatment is to have a full bladder. That made me very nervous because since my prostate surgery I don't have much capacity. So I dreaded the procedure.

Once I was up and prepared I packed up about 3 liters (a little over 3 US quarts) of water. I needed to start drinking one hour in advance of my treatment and consume a minimum of 1.5 liters 45 minutes before. 

I chose to ride my bike to the hospital because I need the exercise to counter the side effects of the drugs I am on. The exercise really helps my mood. If I don't exercise I get emotional and bad tempered. 

The hospital is 7 kilometres from my home and goes up and down hills. It is not an easy ride. I took it slow because I did not want to get to hot and sweaty! 

I arrived at the hospital about 45 minutes ahead of my appointment, and had already drunk 2 liters. Because of my nervousness and concerns about the whole thing, I asked to see a nurse. In private I told her the most intimate things and she reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. I don't know if they could do a better job of informing one ahead of time, but I must say they are very kind and answered all my questions.  

I was assured that part of the procedure each time is to check how full the bladder and how empty the bowel is. If one is not ready they will move onto to someone else while your body gets ready. They will not zap until everything is PERFECT.   

So I prepared by removing lower clothing and getting in hospital gown. Then I sat in waiting area drinking water and getting more and more nervous. I actually began to shiver, and that is just not my normal self!

Then I decided to check the appointment times for the rest of the week. The receptionist had given me my schedule when I arrived, and I had presumed that it would be about the same time each day. No, today was mid morning, tomorrow is early afternoon, Wednesday is early morning then next day is late afternoon, and finally Friday is mid morning. Jumping all over the day like this makes timing the preparation difficult!

My scheduled time was 9:36 am. I thought I was timing it just about right to be ready when they called me. About 9:15 the receptionist came to the waiting area where there were four of us waiting and told us that one of the radiation machines had broken down so they were running about 45 minutes behind. We were told that if any of us had a full bladder and just could not hold it any longer to report to her and they would work with us. 

At about 9:45 I reported to her that I could not wait and she looked at the schedule and told me to go ahead and empty my bladder because it would be at least another 20 minutes before they were ready for me. Then about 15 minutes later I was ready again and informed her.  She said I was next and this first treatment would take about 20 minutes. She asked if I could just partially empty! I don't know about others, but this is very difficult for me. I tried with little success, but they said they would take me anyway. They told me this first treatment was longer because they do a lot more checking of all the alignments so they were sure I would be fine. 

They told me to bring my belongings and they took me on a tour of their space. They showed me where they are while the machine zaps me. They showed me the monitors that they watch and can clearly see me at all times. They showed me the speaker from which they can hear me clearly if I speak to them. If at anytime I need to stop, they will stop and work around my needs. 

Then they showed my my treatment screen. They confirmed my full name, birthday and asked me to confirm that the picture of me matched my appearance. (The radiation therapist had snapped my picture on my first visit.)

Then the two therapist escorted me to the radiation room. I was instructed to remove my shoes and put my bare bum on the table. Lay down and get comfortable. They put wedges under my knees and ankles so I was very comfortable. 

They then used the tattoo marks I had received on my first visit to line me up. A laser pointed at each hip and my lower belly to get me positioned exactly as before. They then told me that they would be taking several x-rays on this visit that they would compare with the x-rays from my first visit to confirm that my bones were in exactly they same position and that my bladder and bowels were out of the way.

I will receive an x-ray everyday in the first week then only weekly after that.  

They told me my Radiation Oncology Doctor would examine these later and perhaps make adjustment prior to my treatments. 

They then left the room and I was alone with the machine. First devices move on each side of me that I believe were the x-ray and it moved about me for a minute or two. Then moved out of the way. The bed sometimes made micro adjustments and there were other sounds, but nothing too alarming. Then finally the large radiation gun rotated completely around my body for a couple of minutes. 

Then it was over. I think my future treatments will cause less anxiety because I will know what to expect. I think I had obsessed too much about the bladder. They said it was fine and I was not at the bursting point. 

Unfortunately somewhere on my way home I lost my house keys. I am hoping they are laying in the gutter and maybe I will spot them tomorrow! But if someone finds them they will not know to which house they might go. I am sure they fell out far from my neighborhood, and there is nothing on them to indicate who they may belong to. 

I think the radiation treatment caused me more anxiety then it should have and that the future will be easier. I just hope that the side effects will be as minimal as the side effects of ADT has been so far.  

I thank my friends for your prayers and know that God is with me no matter what the outcome. 


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