One Week To Go

I am satisfied that I have made the correct decisions and now I am just waiting.

My exercise program is going well and I can tell my endurance is better. I did my two mile walk a little quicker then before and am able to do more of the other exercises than I could a few weeks ago.

I have to discipline myself to not read too much on the internet! Although what I have read has encouraged me that the road I am on seems to bring the best long term result.

I decided to share with my friends on Facebook today. Now there is no going back on that and the comments I have received are encouraging. That share also gave a link to this blog so those who want to read more about this journey, I am on, can.

It is nice to have family, church family, and extended friendships all pulling for you. I know so many people and the care so many have is heart warming.

The only thing I have to do today is stop taking my vitamin D. I don't know why, but those are the instructions to stop all meds and vitamins. I don't need or take any meds anyway. I don't know what they would say if I were taking necessary meds.

Some have commented on how I seem to be on a fast track and that is not what so many hear about our Canadian medical system. Just keep in mind that this is not exactly elective surgery! Yes, these kind of treatments do get pushed to the head of the line. Time is very important in this particular disease.


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