Preparing for Surgery

January 3, 2019 I had to be at the hospital at 8 am.

I decided to avoid the parking cost of $8 and park my car at my in-laws about a 20 minute walk from the hospital. This would have been fine except it decided to be a typical winter day in January and rain. The rain combined with the early dark morning made the walk kind of uncomfortable. Then crossing through the park in the dark I took a wrong turn and stepped into a mud puddle that had ice under and I proceeded to slip and fall into a couple inches of water. So my feet and one leg were wet. I had prepared with dry socks so when I got to the hospital I cleaned the mud off my pants and put on dry socks. Actually I don't think anyone noticed me and everything was fine.

The appointment with the admitting nurse involved a lot of health questions, height, weight, blood pressure, then instructions on preparing for surgery. I need to be drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day between now and then. Of course that should be done by everyone every day anyway. I have to stop medication and vitamins a week before. I will have to stop eating a couple days before surgery and the day before go through a purge using Citro-Mag. This should be fun 😐. That day is water and clear juice only.

They are supposed to call me on that day to set the exact time to arrive at the hospital.

The night before I have to shower and then wash all over with Chlorhexidine. This comes with a diagram and specific instructions of how to do this. Then I must sleep in clean PJ's and clean sheets. In the morning two hours before arriving I am to drink 8 ounces of grape juice then nothing else. Take another Chlorhexidine treatment the same as the night before, dress in clean cloths and go to hospital.

After this meeting I went to the lab and had blood taken and got a ECG. I think all that showed me to be in pretty good health.


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