Thanks Friends

Yesterday I decided to go "public" on Facebook with my upcoming prostate surgery. It made me a bit nervous to take that step. I don't know what I thought would happen but here are my thoughts about that.

Having cancer is not something to be ashamed of and many people have to face this. I don't think there is anything I could have done to prevent this. I have lived a pretty healthy life eating right, being somewhere near a proper weight, and handling stress fairly well. I am not perfect but I have made an effort to live well. I think this is just the cards I was dealt and now we play this hand the best we can.

I was pleased to see that many of my friends, even many whom I have not had any contact with in years, wrote kind words and assured me they are praying in my behalf. Thank you all for that.

I also was warned by some that many would try to give me treatment advise. Thankfully that did not happen. I think I have good medical care and I have made my choice about treatment. I just want the cancer gone and some who have done all this before have told me they wish they had had my choices when they faced this. I believe we caught it early enough that we can cut it out and probably I will not need other treatments. Of course we will have to wait and see what the pathology shows when it can be looked at in more detail.

I still have complete confidence in my God and have placed my future in His hands. As I have said before - whatever He has planned for me is OK, He knows best.

Donna's Tea Cup Collection - Dan's Shelves
I am looking forward to getting past this and getting back to regular life. There is so much I would like to accomplish and right now all my attention is on this and it is difficult to think about anything else. Although I am glad I was able to do a building project for Donna that has been on by To Do list for a long time. Over the last to weeks I finished her tea cup shelves.


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