One Day to Go

I started my day with my usual 3 mile walk. I got it down to 57 minutes. I also do a few other exercises to strengthen my core muscles. I feel healthy and strong. From all that I have read this should help me in my recovery. My aim is to be up tomorrow evening and go home on Thursday or Friday. That is the best case scenario!

After the exercise I had to start the cleanse. The Cetro-mag was not as bad as many have described it. The taste is tolerable. I followed all the direction precisely and the only difference is that it worked a little more slowly then they said it would. Maybe that is because I started the liquid diet yesterday, one day early. 

The hospital called and confirmed everything with me. I am supposed to arrive at 9:30 Jan 23, 2019. I suppose that means the actual surgery will be late morning.

I am still comfortable with my decision and should probably stop reading stuff on the internet about this . It just is so hard to resist, 😊but the decision is made and I believe that for my particular cancer this is the best solution with a high probability of cure.

Thanks to all my family and friends who are praying for me. I know God is near me and I have peace.


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